Benefits to Improve Your Sex Life

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Do you want to improve your sex life? If you're like many people, the answer is “yes.” If the stresses, demands, or monotony of everyday life have cooled your desire, what can you do to bring back the fire?
For centuries, the root of the ginseng plant has been revered for its rejuvenating powers that are said to enhance vitality and sex drive in both men and women. Indeed, this ancient Asian herbal lore has helped to fuel the growth of the ginseng-supplement industry – making it one of the best-selling herbal remedies in the United States.

Uncovering Ginseng Benefits

So, can ginseng really improve your sex life? Is its status as an aphrodisiac merely the stuff of ancient folklore, or does scientific research back up the claim?
Over the past 2 decades, numerous controlled clinical studies have been conducted to assess whether ginseng can arouse or increase sexual response. Although some animal studies have suggested that Asian ginseng may help treat male erectile dysfunction (ED), there is little compelling evidence to date that suggests ginseng has the same effect on humans.
Because human sexuality is more complex than the physiological mating urges of animals, the results from animal studies do not necessarily translate to humans. What do studies with people reveal? Let's take a look.

In Men

A review of seven studies investigating the effect of Korean red ginseng on erectile dysfunction concluded that, while there seemed to be some suggestion that ginseng may have a beneficial effect on ED, the studies were ultimately too small and not methodologically robust enough to support the use of ginseng for ED.

In Women

Studies involving women are rare, due in part to the difficulty of establishing a standard means of measuring female sexual response. One study reported that a dietary supplement containing extracts of Korean ginseng as well as ginkgo and other ingredients improved the sex drives of female participants. But it is not clear how the supplement worked to enhance function, and further research is necessary to determine the role, if any, of ginseng. Clinical studies using consistent doses of pure ginseng are needed in order to assess the effect of ginseng on female sexual response.

Forever Gin-Chia®

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Two ancient herbs: golden chia from the West and ginseng from the East, combine to create a modern miracle – Forever Gin-Chia. Let this powerful combination of herbs give your body back what your busy lifestyle takes out! 

Golden Chia, or North American Sage, was used by southwest Native American Indians in the US at the turn of the century for its life-sustaining properties. Chia possesses the highest percentage of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, a-linolenic and linoleic (i.e. 83.2%), of all crops. It is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, natural antioxidants and dietetic fiber. The protein content of Chia is higher than other nutritional grains. Compare Chia’s 19-23% protein to wheat (14%), corn (14%), rice (8.5%), oats (15.3%), and barley (9.2%). And unlike these other grains, it is a complete protein - meaning that it has the appropriate balance of all essential amino acids. It is a powerful antioxidant! 

Ginseng is legendary as a tonic, earning its name as the “King of Tonics.” It contains eleven saponins, making ginseng an adaptogen (a compound that adapts its effects depending on the needs of the body). Ginseng is also a potent antioxidant. 

Together these powerful herbs contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D, plus thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, capsicum, zinc, copper, magnesium and manganese. Combined, they can act to increase stamina and endurance, and support healthy circulation. 

• Powerful antioxidant 
• Good source of protein 
• Can help increase stamina and endurance 
• Helps support healthy circulation

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